Optimise packaging use.
Materials that have a lower environmental impact.
Recycled materials.
Reduce food waste
Technical strategies, such as product reformulation to extend
shelf life, and use of functional packaging to reduce spoilage and waste of
perishable foods.
Reduce waste sent to landfill (e.g. food recycling plants, donate
excess food to local charities, use as animal feed).
The European Commission is undertaking further work on how we move towards a more resource efficient and sustainable food system, with further reports expected to be published shortly.
Articles in this Food Today series have explained how food
production can meet demand for a nutritious and safe food supply that consumers can trust. This article
illustrates that immediate changes can be made to food production to make it
more sustainable. More work is needed. Ongoing investment by industry and
governments in research, development and innovation, will however be essential
to ensure that the food system can meet the demands and needs of the world’s
growing population in a sustainable way.