A healthy and balanced diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, should provide all the micronutrients most active people need. Specialised products like meal replacement powders, protein powders, energy bars and energy gels are not recommended to the general population, as they cannot replace a healthy balanced diet and are costly. Some of these products may be recommended for active individuals involved in endurance exercise. For example, carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions can enhance water absorption during exercise, hence helping with hydration while maintaing endurance performance. Active people restricting calorie intake, or following a vegetarian or vegan diet, should consult a nutritionists/dietitian about whether a low-dose multivitamin and mineral supplement may be needed in addition to a healthy diet. When restricting calorie intake, meal replacement powders could be effective for reducing the body weight and for weight loss maintenance, but their consumption is only advisable in people with overweight.
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